Monday, June 17, 2013

Sick people introduction
The  definition of concept “sick people” referrer to diminution in the capacity of people for make conidian activities.
This concept considerer to mental and physical incapacity in the different persons.
The “sick people” to suffer very problems  as the  discrimination and bad attention in the health system (public). This situation representing a one big problem in the society.
Health System
In Chile, the health system represent  one problem, because every days suffer collapse, the attention is very  slow and impersonal.
The political public is insufficient and not have a human component.
AUGE System
The definition of AUGE is “Plain of universal accesses of explicitly guaranties “.
This system is implemented in Chile from 2005.  The propjets to consider:
·         Access: obligation of Fonasa and the Isapres of secure the health benefit.
·         Attention opportunities: exist of one period maxim for the benefit.
·         Quality: The attention guarantied
This project to transform  in one far promise, distant of the reality  that suffer the sick person.
Sick people march and local movement
Most of 5 thousand  person participation in the “march of the sick” in Santiago.

The march search the attention of government for that give a national bottom of medicament for the terminal and critical patient.
@douglasaracena | Twitter

1 comment:

  1. Is a topic very interesting and basic for the society, is very expensive have a good health, I don’t know how person participate in the march is very interesting that five thousand people to do it
