Thursday, September 26, 2013

In my opinion the Chileans in the September organized in lathe to celebration in one different way what commonly.  The eighteen in Chile is transform in one celebration of “national day” without notions of real identity.

Talk about of customs in Chile is very complicate, because in the last decades the intromission of other cultures is one sad reality. Nevertheless customs why drink chicha or wine in this context of celebrations is “traditional”, by other side the national dance, “la cueca” is only characteristic of this date (commonly). Other dancing and other plays by occupy the fondas today.

In my personal vision, the most important element in the Chilean culture is the national dance, the cueca. This dance is transversal to times, to gender and other important aspect of society, because exist form different for dancing, traditional cueca, cueca chora, brava and other depend to location geographic of people. The national dance is one reflection of the society (should) the how of live the culture, is very important for the construction of national identity.

Since my point of view, the element of our culture should be celebrate is all associated with our ethnic legacy, because today in commonly don’t give relevant for one culture imitative of other element, of other cultures in special the north American.   

Is very relevant know our traditions, the customs of our forefather, the memory of country is the basis.

1 comment:

  1. Hello !
    And do you like the cueca? To be honest I like the dance but not the cueca xD

    Good post!
