Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hi guys!!
Today I´m talk about the test.
In the first part of test, reading and writing I look at very short text,  in appearance easy, but I choose 2 incorrect answers.
In the second part of test of reading, I read about different description of courses, is very complicate take corrects answers.  But, the text was interesting.
In the second part of the test, listening was the most difficult part of the test in my opinion.
My marks in the text were very bad. I wish take other marks in other opportunity.

I think, that is very important the practice in the English.  Because, is the only form of learn. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Hi guys !
Today I´m going to talk about of a special place; “El Persa Bio- Bio”
“El Persa” is one of my favorites places, because is a different, enjoy, and very particular.
The Persa is a big free fair located between Franklin, Santa Rosa, San Diego and Placer streets, part south of Santiago.  
The neighborhood Bio- Bio is a typical place in Santiago, her history date of other century.  This place before was a zone industrial of the big city. After the dictatorship the place undergoes a transformation.  Product of the unemployment, many persons make a decision, offer her belonging.
The little’s shops that form the persons for sell remain until today. Offer since antiques as hat, jewel until strange objects as mannequin and others rarity’s.    
In the actually, all weekends many persons visits her establishment, the little’s shop, and restaurant s. In the “Persa” you can look all things for example:  article of kitchen, food, drinks, clothes (vintage or new) and many different objects.  
Other important aspect is that Persa is the cheaper place in Santiago.  
I love this place, is too funny !! The persons that work in the different shops they are unique.
Vistit the Persa the weekend’s with the family or friends in search of specific thing or one gift is a tradition that live on. Is important continue with this.
In my opinion is a place all persons have to visit. Represent a different form of tourism, most original and real.

Good bye !!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hey Arnold!

Arnold and friends. 

Hi guys

In this occasions I´m going to talk about of my favorite TV program.
When I´m a child my favorite TV show was called “Hey Arnold” I´m remember many spectaculars episodes, for example when Arnold search her real history of life, the explication about the dead of her parents and other questions without answers and evidence.

Hey Arnold is American production, is a cartoon created by Nickelodeon. The principal character in the history is Arnold, a little boy of 9 year ago. Arnold is very special in relation with other child’s, because is a big lector, and he have a good musical likes.

Other important aspect of this cartoon is a paper of Helga; she is a schoolmate of Arnold. Helga have a complicate personality, all time is bad person with all school in special with the protagonist, but in truth she love´s Arnold.

I´m like so much this TV program, I remember when I looked a TV show in the weekends, is a great memory.
In my opinion is a very good program for all spectator, because is funny, and her have a contents in contrast to was happened in general in the TV shows in the actually.

 In the actually I watch Hey Arnold in the web, and in the TV paid.

I recommend you visit this page: (many episodes) 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hi guys

In my life have occurred good things in general. 
My childhood was quiet, I remember the summers  in the beach, the plays whith my best friends.
In the school I was a great student (different situation in the actuality), in the past  I was a good girl  whith  good marks.
My family all time, represent a big support in my decisions and  my personals projects.
Start the university is a  good thing in my life. In the start to year I¨m  not really happy whith my carrer, but now I think was a good desition.
This year was very difficult for me, because I miss so much  my home, my family, my dog, etc.
In this year I´m  living in bad conditions  in Santiago, but in the end of year I´m thinking in the big change, (in the relative to my home, where  I wish live ).
The 2013 was a decisive year in  my life, this year  I have my group of friend, other big support.
This year I did not get many academic achievements, I love that the next could do better in my studies. I hope to reach my goals and challenges next year
One thing impotant in this year is the celebation of my birthday, in company of my best friends, the “event” was in october, we  listen music and drink very much.  I remember 4ever.
I wish the other year is much better.  I hope that 2014 is my lucky year.

Good bye !

Thursday, November 7, 2013

In my opinion the greatest Chilean of all time is the Violeta Parra.

Violeta Parra was born in San Carlos city, in the south of Chile, she was a very important person for the Chilean culture, because Violeta participate in many artistically work. She was a big artist of the country, the work of Violeta travel to all the word. Sadly she die even young.

The work of Violeta is a very complete; include knitting’s, paints and composition of song and other demonstration of art.     

The most important contribution for the arts is the messages of your song, because the lyrics of song have a social component, in occasions let loose controversial critics.

She is important, because your work is the basis of the national and international creations of different current of artist.   The songs of Violeta represent one call of attention for the authorities and the common people.
I like, ask for the imaginations, or the inspiration in the works.  In my point of view, the motivation of the artist in your work is very important, the happiness, the sadness, or the preoccupation for society be expressed in the piece of paper, in the songs, in the painting or other material.

In general in Chile she is famous, for her special musical contribution, but her work is most broad. 
Is relevant, stand out the capacity of creation in the historical context, Parra achieving show one different artistically proposal and express all her opinions and ideas.  

The works of Parra continued in the memory of the people.     

Thursday, October 24, 2013

I not have many pets in my life, because my mother be worried for my security. My pet now is a dog, she is Chiripa.

Chiripa arrived on time in my life, since 5 years ago, I love my dog, is very funny and curious.
My pet was a gift of my uncle, because the dog of the house (of my uncle) is the mother of my dog. My family I loved the animals.

In the actually Chiripa, my pet life in my house, with my mother.  I travel not much to my house, not see frequently to my pet, I miss so much.

Chiripa is very playful, hem like eat meat and bite bones, cushions, furniture and many others things. My mother dislike this situation, because mess up the entire house.

Other activity of my pet is run all day behind the cats, the mailmen’s, etc. She bark in the garden behind the birds, dose sun in the grass, play with others dog in the parks and in occasions she   sleep in the living room.
I love all she does, I think that my dog is great. I see all the physical activities she make, enjoyed so much.

In my opinion all persons have to animals, because is very funny playing with the dog, one cat or other pet.

The bond of your pet is forever!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The people know of ecological practices of your family's or your social class. Lamentably this social context in which develop the people is very important in the hour of  desitions, for example think in recycle.

Not participate in any eco-organization, however I would love to participate. I think this situation has been caused by misinformation. I think the eco-organizations are very useful, they are places where one can learn from good practices for environmental protection.

I think I'm not a "green", but I try to recycle, I go to school by bike and I prefer organic food before GM, and I participated in marches on the issue, the motion of water, anti Monsanto marches. I am aware that my practices are still not enough, but I'd like to follow in the way of recycling and learn more and more.

To reduce my carbon footprint I try not to abuse the water, my showers are short, try to reduce, reuse and recycle following the three R's of ecology. As I mentioned before I ride a bike around the city (I try) not pollute so much and is a good sport.

In our society mainly lack ecological education (one of many ways to educate the population) children in schools do not know much about ecology, taught other things like increase their competitiveness with their peers, and so on. Chile has a large debt policy to guide people to good environmental practices.
On the other hand Santiago, how in other cities lacking eco-gardens, places to stop what recycled paper bags instead of plastic bags.

 I believe that through these little big things can build a better society.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My best friend
Francisca is my best friend since six or seven years ago.  We know in school of my natal city, Cauquenes. I´m was of change of school this time, Fran was since first time  one big help.

We union very think, the music, temes of books and tv programs. When I  was a little  I like 30 seconds to mars,  music rock alternative music, together a Fran we listened our to favorite songs.
Now  Fran studies engineering are in Concepción in the south of Chile, very far of me, is very sad this situation.

Despite the distance, We are very close. The tecnology as internet, telephones and social red allow us to stay in touch and catch up.

I travel to Cauquenes, my city very little, in many ocations us do not agree on the days of travel. Other days us agree in travel and us share one coffe or other drink,jjaa.

At least once a month we organize a meeting of girls where my house or the of Francisca. We listened music, we eat  potato fried and ice cream, we look films, we laugh a lot of the life situations of each.

I like very share with my friend, is my best friend in world, I wish I had more time to hang out with my friend.

In a  first moment,  we think  at the same university, but things changed and studied very far. But the situation is a good excuse  to we visit others cities and  know other  persons.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

In my opinion the Chileans in the September organized in lathe to celebration in one different way what commonly.  The eighteen in Chile is transform in one celebration of “national day” without notions of real identity.

Talk about of customs in Chile is very complicate, because in the last decades the intromission of other cultures is one sad reality. Nevertheless customs why drink chicha or wine in this context of celebrations is “traditional”, by other side the national dance, “la cueca” is only characteristic of this date (commonly). Other dancing and other plays by occupy the fondas today.

In my personal vision, the most important element in the Chilean culture is the national dance, the cueca. This dance is transversal to times, to gender and other important aspect of society, because exist form different for dancing, traditional cueca, cueca chora, brava and other depend to location geographic of people. The national dance is one reflection of the society (should) the how of live the culture, is very important for the construction of national identity.

Since my point of view, the element of our culture should be celebrate is all associated with our ethnic legacy, because today in commonly don’t give relevant for one culture imitative of other element, of other cultures in special the north American.   

Is very relevant know our traditions, the customs of our forefather, the memory of country is the basis.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pelluhue is a  beach, in the center south in the country. Is my favorite place in the world. Is a simple place with a estranger beautiful.

I´m from  7° region, the beach is a places of my memory. Since girl I travel to Pelluhue, because is near to my home, one hour approx.
In Pelluhue, I enjoy of the sun, the sea and read books in the back sand characteristic of the place. And paint in my little home of beach all landscape what consider relevant attraction.  

When, I´m felling sad, travel to Pelluhue, the silence is really important for me.  In occasion of happiness also travel to beach with my friend, because the company of my favorite persons is one perfect complement for enjoy this space.   

I´m  like this beach in specific, the wonderful location and the animals with the sea, the typical seagulls of the center zone of Chile. Other important aspect in this place is the sound, the noise of sea, the crush of the wave, the trill of birds and many others beautiful sound.

Many person visit beach in summer, in general is very noisy in the January and

February, in my opinion the beach is most beautiful in winter, because  is very calm and you be can talk about the local habitants, and know.

Monday, July 8, 2013

In my opinion the experience in general was a very important for my writing expression, because for me is complicate this situation. My formation in English in the high school is a bad experience, in contrast to was happened in this English class.
The writing skills, I think be conform different element in the connection with the other languish, is important know expressed all ideas in writing redaction. Is a fun form for know English.
In the future I would like include the redaction the other blog in Spanish and English, in my experience is a good form for writing in English. Is a other element for expression my ideas and opinions in clear method.
I like write about different topics of themes relevant in my life for example typical places and good food in the city, information about books and arts, virtual tours in the different places of Chile, recommend bars and restaurant with social component, places with history and tradition.
Someone suggestions in the process:

Should contain the write weekly blog, but should have one correction for progress the redaction and the form of connect the ideas, translate of Spanish to English of easy way. I think, the correction have to classmates, because promote the inclusion and relations in the class by all student. 
Social history of Chile

In the class the teacher aboard different topic about social problems in the history of Chile. Is very interesting to think this context, because the sociology as discipline contemplates all tension in the communities throughout the time.

Gabriel Salazar is a very  important person in this work, because he has many information related  to realities in different social class.

The contents we have seen in class are the capitalism in different aspects  and its contribution in the social construction in Chile. Other theme aborded is the different elites and its configuration, connecting it national economy in the last three centuries.

I like the subject, because it contemplates a different history than the one studied at school, the vision proposed in the class is critical, because it makes us see from a different point of view for example the character named in the usual history like Diego Portales, O`Higgins and others are not the heroes that we thought, in contrast they were complicate person and very authoritarians they defended their own interests.

Is important the formation of a personal opinion of the processes in the national history.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sick people introduction
The  definition of concept “sick people” referrer to diminution in the capacity of people for make conidian activities.
This concept considerer to mental and physical incapacity in the different persons.
The “sick people” to suffer very problems  as the  discrimination and bad attention in the health system (public). This situation representing a one big problem in the society.
Health System
In Chile, the health system represent  one problem, because every days suffer collapse, the attention is very  slow and impersonal.
The political public is insufficient and not have a human component.
AUGE System
The definition of AUGE is “Plain of universal accesses of explicitly guaranties “.
This system is implemented in Chile from 2005.  The propjets to consider:
·         Access: obligation of Fonasa and the Isapres of secure the health benefit.
·         Attention opportunities: exist of one period maxim for the benefit.
·         Quality: The attention guarantied
This project to transform  in one far promise, distant of the reality  that suffer the sick person.
Sick people march and local movement
Most of 5 thousand  person participation in the “march of the sick” in Santiago.

The march search the attention of government for that give a national bottom of medicament for the terminal and critical patient.
@douglasaracena | Twitter

Monday, June 10, 2013

Who took it

Taken by Charly in the self timer the camera of Magda my friend, she was present in the photography.

What it shows
In the photograph we were Javi and Magda my friends and me.

When it was taken
The photograph was taken in the summer. My friends Magda and Javi and me were enjoy of vacation in the beach of Pelluhue.
 All vacations my family and I travel to beach, for use the house in the coast. I decide invite to more near friends.

Why you like it
I m like this photograph, because pattem one important moment in the my life, my youth. The experience in the summer 2013 was unforgettable, enjoy of company of my family and my best friends.
The photograph is a one memory, I remember for a side the beach, the sea, the bonfire, the pub, the people in the parties, and same time the familiar food, the play of card, the long night of conversation with the most important people in my life, my family and my friends.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Movie review
Les Amours Imaginaires, The Loves Imaginary by Xavier Dolan, one history of secret wishes of the trees friends.

Les amours imaginaires, is one film create by Xavier Dolan in 2010. The movie is one representation of the friends relation of trees peoples than share many hobbies and interest.
The movie started who trees different persons cross yours life, all not find the real love and not think in the love. Yours life not have a passions, because living in the day without future. Francis, one of the protagonist is very sensibly, shy and  gay. Mary, the woman the film is extrovert and passionate about the vintage movement. The two friends love Nico, the most important character in the movie, Nico is one creation of all whishes  of Mary and Francis, is free, funny and beautiful, is a man perfect and dreamed. 
The Actors Monia Chokri, Niels Schneider and Xavier Dolan, embody all the passion of love in the one relation of friendship. The movie was filmed in France, stand out by statistical composition, very seductive for the public. Her  genre is drama, be about the complication in the love.
The film is one artistic composition of the sexuality and emotional theme. Is  a one big movie, winner of trees award in the Festival of Cannes.

Movie review

Monday, April 29, 2013

Pet maltreatment

  • Pet maltreatment in circus: the bad situation of animals  in the circus is reality in the all world, the chilean society not is the exception because  the possession of animal savages or domestically  be outside the law. One example of the situation is the case "brother Gasca" proprietor of one famous circus who was keep a for tiger of Bengal in  one carrier of two for two metres square, without water. the animals was very sick, the people extern protest by this complicated setting of abuse. The history of abuse and torture in the word of circus is common  the way as brake is the difficulty and the real defiance. 
  •  In my opinion, in Chile lack regulation, fiscalization and real  responsibility of the possessions of animal whith end the entertainment or keep. The change of mentally is very necessary for construction of society most joust, where exists respect for the humans fees  and animals fees.  
     what is your opinion about this teme?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tomás Moulian

The person that admire is called Tomás Moulian. Moulian is a chilaean sociologist,  politic scientist. and one critic of the economic-social structure of Chile after of the Pinochet dictatorship, he was born on September 21th in Santiago of Chile.
Moulian is one of mots famous sociologist of Chile, by her contribution in the dicipline, he publish very important books as:  "Chile actual. anatomíade un mito (1997), "El consumo me consume" (1999) and other.
He study in the Universidad Catolica and work as director of school of sociology in the ARCIS and PUC. He was sub-director in FLACSO in Chile in 1990-1991.
Nowadays he working in the Universidad ARCIS.
I admire because Moulian symbolise one  critical discipline, he expressed ideas for actual society and problems. 
look a video about he as an activist.

Monday, April 15, 2013

My favorite band is Holden who is from France,created in 1997. the vocalist is Amelie Pioline, Dominique Deprét in guitar, Pierre Grapin in battery  and colaboration the chilean Cristobal Carbajal .Holden is a group the indie rock e indie pop, alternative music. I like the band because this music is very interesting, his letters is simple and profound. My favourite song is  ce que je suis traduction in English  is what I`m.
The song is the description of  the life with the quotidian problems and the personalities configuration in this context. The protagonist of song is a woman with many unanswered questions, but in the finish of the search to assert  its right to start again.
 good bye my friend :)

My full name is Victoria Maliqueo Orellana. I`m 19 years-old and live in Santiago, but was born in Cauquenes in the south. My birthday is on october 7th in spring. My family is very small we are 8 in total, my  mother, grandmother, two aunts,  causin and two nephews. all my family live in the south of Chile, I `m living by my self now in the capital city.
In 2012 finished the high school at Liceo Antonio Varas, Cauquenes,  my natal city.
Nowadays I study sociology at University of Chile, in my second year. I started in 2012 a career beacause I love social themes.
I have worked as weitress in the pubs and icecream shop.
My hobbies are  painting oleo and reading poems. I like art and music, beacause the music and creation are art.